Superconscious Intuition Program Out Now  FIND OUT MORE


Every conversation we’re having about intuition is wrong.

We should begin with this question.

This will show us where we’re living through our intuition in our daily lives.

And how living through our intuition makes us feel.

The question we should begin with is this, do I know that I am pure, unlimited consciousness?

Intuition is overcoming the belief in separation, so you remember that you are a divine piece of a benevolent universe that is always working on your behalf.

When you know that you have the universe at your back, you know that every answer to everything that you are thinking is already within you.

Intuition is simply the process or symptom of remembering that yes, I am infinite, unlimited consciousness.

mobile phone with headphones

Learn the practice that invites you to encode a new reality.

This free consciousness encoding meditation can guide you in understanding the law of correspondence and learning how to cultivate the vibrational frequency that is a match for all that we desire.