We lead the revolution in the intuitive sciences and sacred leadership by providing access to world-class, socially responsible, ethically informed and evidence based training programs, as taught by highly trained, congruent and experienced mentors and teachers, committed to their own ongoing professional, personal and spiritual development.
The Institute has pioneered a revolutionary approach to training intuition, and is committed to creating a gold-standard benchmark in the field of the intuitive sciences and new paradigm priestess training, because in an unregulated industry, the standards we set are our own. Excellence, ethical service, the pursuit of spiritual innovation and ongoing research inform all of the activities of the Institute for this is how we believe we can take the new conversation on intuition to the world.


We lead the revolution in the intuitive sciences and sacred leadership by providing access to world-class, socially responsible, ethically informed and evidence-based training programs, as taught by highly trained, congruent and experienced mentors and teachers, committed to their own ongoing professional, personal and spiritual development. Since 2022, we have expanded our teaching mandate to include serving men (so if you read and watch anything directed to women, know that, as a man, you are also welcome.)
The Institute has pioneered a revolutionary approach to training intuition, and is committed to creating a gold-standard benchmark in the field of the intuitive sciences and new paradigm priestess training, because in an unregulated industry, the standards we set are our own. Excellence, ethical service, the pursuit of spiritual innovation and ongoing research inform all of the activities of the Institute for this is how we believe we can take the new conversation on intuition to the world.

About Dr Ricci-Jane Adams
Hey hey beloved, I’m Ricci-Jane. A researcher, writer and intuition geek dedicated to elevating your intuition to the level of superpower.
I have never had any doubt that I had a really big purpose with this life. Raised in a spiritual home, the path of awakening was always my passion, and I sensed even as a child that my work in the world would emerge from this passion.
In 2014, with twenty plus years of intuition exploration under my belt, I was yearning to go even deeper. I wanted a university style qualification that brought with it a community of like minded, equally devoted and geeky intuitives.
No matter where I looked, and boy did I look, I couldn’t find it.
So I knew I had to make it. And that’s what I did.
I have a deep desire to always know more, and I have fiercely followed my inner compass wherever it leads me. From Reiki, to dramatherapy, to theatre studies, to playwriting, to Transpersonal Counselling, and eventually even to completing a doctorate in magical realism at the University of Melbourne, seeking to know more, to become more, to understand more is at the very heart of me.
About DR Ricci-Jane Adams
Hey hey beloved, I’m Ricci-Jane. A researcher, writer and intuition geek dedicated to elevating your intuition to the level of superpower.
I have never had any doubt that I had a really big purpose with this life. Raised in a spiritual home, the path of awakening was always my passion, and I sensed even as a child that my work in the world would emerge from this passion.
In 2014, with twenty plus years of intuition exploration under my belt, I was yearning to go even deeper. I wanted a university style qualification that brought with it a community of like minded, equally devoted and geeky intuitives.
No matter where I looked, and boy did I look, I couldn’t find it.
So I knew I had to make it. And that’s what I did.
I have a deep desire to always know more, and I have fiercely followed my inner compass wherever it leads me. From Reiki, to dramatherapy, to theatre studies, to playwriting, to Transpersonal Counselling, and eventually even to completing a doctorate in magical realism at the University of Melbourne, seeking to know more, to become more, to understand more is at the very heart of me.

Every path I have taken has always been informed by a desire to know my soul nature ever more intimately.
What I came back to time and again was intuition. Of course it was! Intuition is the language of the Cosmos. It is how we connect our human reality with our divine truth. It is everything.
As the researcher that I am, I set about learning everything I could about it. But so much of what I found left me wanting. Built on the trinkets and superstitions of the new age, many of the teachings were superficial, or asking me to give my power to crystals or oracle cards, or worse to a psychic or healer. I knew undoubtedly this is our greatest spiritual skill, so why was it being shared in such a way?
Intuition is the language of the Cosmos.
It is how we connect our human reality with our divine truth. It is everything.
DR ricci-jane adams

I have spent the last 20 years on a quest to know the truth about intuition – how it works, what it is, where it emerges from, why it works, and even when it works! What I uncovered in the process of researching and living and teaching all that I was learning is a revolutionary method to increasing our innate intuition that has never failed. A method of turning on our intuition so that it becomes a state of being, not something that we tune in and out of.
My vision became so very clear. To train an extraordinary collective of women and men to take their intuition to the level of spiritual superpower, so that they can support others to increase their connection to their own deepest states of intuition.
In a profound meditation, I saw 5,000 women and men gathering in this way.
5,000 women and men standing in their spiritual power.
5,000 women and men claiming their right to be heard and to be seen.
5,000 fierce and humble women and men unafraid to lead the revolution.
The very purpose of our highest form of intelligence is not to let it lie dormant within us. Or worse still, to believe that it is always going to be ‘hit and miss’ or the ‘gift’ of a few special few. We are literally created to be in communion with Infinite consciousness through the technology of our intuition. The Cosmos is at our fingertips, and the extraordinary life we were born to live is waiting for us to show up to it. Intuitive Intelligence® guides us home to the truth that we are unlimited.
The Institute was created to show you how.
It is my privilege to serve you,
RJ xo

The very purpose of our highest form of intelligence is not to let it lie dormant within us. Or worse still, to believe that it is always going to be ‘hit and miss’ or the ‘gift’ of a few special few. We are literally created to be in communion with Infinite consciousness through the technology of our intuition. The Cosmos is at our fingertips, and the extraordinary life we were born to live is waiting for us to show up to it. Intuitive Intelligence® guides us home to the truth that we are unlimited.
The Institute was created to show you how.
It is my privilege to serve you,
RJ xo

Extraordinary women who have increased their power to serve by investing in their spiritual superpower – Intuitive Intelligence®. Living life on purpose, in service to the greatest good, began with the commitment to go deeper, to commit to themselves in a non-negotiable way and to take their place as the leaders of the new paradigm. These are the graduates of the Third Level program.
Are you ready to increase your power to serve?

“Every day I am inspired to deepened into communion with Source. Habits, beliefs, people who didn’t serve my highest good have gracefully fallen away and I am the happiest most powerful version of myself I’ve known thus far. Ricci-Jane is an extraordinary teacher, her knowledge engaging and profound.”
Kim Newing

Finding the Institute has been like finding my way home…
“I now have all that I was seeking. If you are called to study and train with the Institute, trust the call. You are being asked to go deeper and deeper you shall go.”
Christina Verma

learn from women who have walked the path before you
Dr Ricci-Jane Adams
Founder of the Institute, High Priestess

It will change your life in the most profound ways.
“I would strongly recommend the Institute of Intuitive Intelligence® for their exemplary teaching standards, administration and fierce commitment. The Third Level was rich in content, academically relevant and was based on the leading sciences of intuition.”
Tosca Grainger-Dee

Is the Institute an accredited training provider?
Yes. We are fully accredited globally with the International Institute of Complementary Therapists. That means your professional qualifications with the Institute are internationally recognised.
Where is the institute based?
We are a global online training Institute. Our HQ is in Melbourne, Australia, and we have mentors, trainers and teachers all over the world including the USA, Canada, Europe, UK, South America, India and New Zealand.
Can I study in person with the Institute?
All of our training programs are delivered online so you can have access no matter where you are in the world. We schedule our long programs to support as many students as possible to attend trainings live.
How long has the Institute been around?
The Institute was established in 2014 by Ricci-Jane Adams and Angelique Adams. The mother and daughter duo still operate the Institute, with Ricci-Jane as principal and Angelique lead mentor who specialises in Intuitive Intelligence® Tapping.
What is Intuitive Intelligence®?
Intuitive Intelligence® is a theory and praxis of intuition development pioneered by Dr Ricci-Jane Adams. This revolutionary trauma informed approach to developing intuition, which works through the immutable cosmic laws and the cultivation of an embodied state of being known as superconsciousness. At its essence, Intuitive Intelligence® is accessible by all of us through the meeting and releasing of subconscious fear programs, and unlimiting our consciousness.