Being Authentically You
Eileen Gatsos – Divine Messenger
To be authentically you, you need to be prepared to lose friends and piss people off.
To be authentically you, you need to be unapologetic about who you are and what you stand for.
To be authentically you, you need to get real with yourself.
To be authentically you, you need to be fierce.
To be authentically you, you need to face all the shit that you have accepted as your truth and wash it all away.
To be authentically you, you need to reside in the fact that you have signed up for the most confronting and challenging time.
But to not be authentically you is to deny your true self, your true nature of LOVE.
We spend the majority of our lives being inauthentic as we try to please everyone else but ourselves in the quest to be loved, accepted and to find what we naively believe is true happiness.
We deny the yearning we feel deep inside to be seen for who we are because we fear that no one will like who we are. We can often trace this back to when we were young and expressed our true nature were we not told to be quiet, that not how you should act, don’t be selfish, be more like your brother/sister…
So we hide in order to fit in, to be liked to be accepted and to be what we think is loved.
But by denying ourselves, but not loving who we truly are there is no way we can be truly loved by others as they do not know our true authentic self.
I say it is time for us all to drop the bravado and masks and begin to be authentically real. It is time for us to look into the mirror and see who we truly are and accept ourselves as we see.
We are not perfect and that is 100% ok, everyone will not like us and that is ok, but not liking and loving ourselves is not.
So be truthful at where you sit with yourself and it doesn’t matter where on the spectrum of self-love you are. This is just your starting point.
There may be tears, there may be tantrums and again that is ok emotions are real and authentic and need to be expressed and not kept it.
Being authentically you is being real with yourself and accepting you where you are without judgement only LOVE.
You are glorious, beautiful and loved and to be authentically you, you need to accept this truth about you.
Once all the dust settles and friendships and relationships change, end or grow in amongst all that you will meet your authentic self and find that you have always been this beautiful loving soul that now knows and accepts how important and significant you are and will no longer hide.
You no longer have to be authentic and unapologetically you.
I am on this journey with you and I am every day learning how to be authentically me and am letting go of the need to explain what I do and myself. It is a struggle at times but it has allowed me to find my passion and now I am beginning to do what I love to do and being authentically me.
I can without fear and in authenticity say that I am the best mother, wife, person I can be.
I can without fear and in authenticity say that I am a Divine Messenger of Intuitive Art, a Code Keeper, an Intuitive Guide working with the Divine, called to create Soul Codes and speak a light language that truly makes a difference in the world.
Every day I own who I am and being authentically me – will you join me?
Eileen Gatsos live in Perth, WA and loves being a mum and wife to her two uniquely gorgeous sons and her loving husband. She is a Divine Messenger with one desire, for everyone to embrace and embody the inner truth that we are and have always been one with God. Her Divine Intuitive Art supports you to ignite your inner truth.

Dr Ricci-Jane Adams is the principal of the Institute for Intuitive Intelligence, a world-class, global professional intuition training school. She trains exceptional spiritual women as new paradigm priestesses, socially conscious leaders and profound mystics. Ricci-Jane is the author of bestselling Spiritually Fierce, as well as Intuitive Intelligence Training and the forthcoming Superconscious Intuition. Ricci-Jane has a doctorate from the University of Melbourne in magical realism. She has spent over twenty-five years devoted to her spiritual awakening and is a qualified Transpersonal Counsellor. Subscribe to the Mailing List