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When Juan and Leslie faced a crisis in their marriage, it looked like their family would be torn apart. Instead, they moved onto a boat for nine months with their four children and embarked on a journey of reconnection and rebirth. From this time on ‘Damara’, a deeper vision for their lives was born, and Casa Damara was conceived – a place where families could come to heal together. This is a remarkable story of a couple of had ‘life by the tail’, but nearly lost it all. Until they found a path of healing that they are now committed to offer to the world.

In this episode:

  • Juan and Leslie honestly share their journey from having it all to nearly losing it all
  • How their marriage crisis was a breakthrough to a powerful shared vision
  • Unlearning workaholism and trauma responses inside of a partnership
  • The key to maintaining a conscious connection in a long-term relationship


Leslie L. Bost

Leslie lives a Nomadic life with her husband and 4 children. You will usually find her on the ocean or between Los Cabos, Mexico and France. She is a human being who deeply cares. She cares about the connection with our children, our world, and most importantly the connection to ourselves. She believes that if we nourish ourselves from within, with loving self-care on a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual level, we will become the change we want to see.

The origin of her story of healing started after much trauma, abuse, abandonment, adoption, eating disorders, deep depression, multiple miscarriages, complicated pregnancies, NICU babies, and all of the challenges that these experiences bring to a marriage and parenting. This journey brought her to healing through mindfulness, meditation, therapy, compassion, and ultimately conscious parenting with Dr. Shefali Tsabary, trauma-informed work with Dr. Gabor Mate, Spiritual Psychology with Suzi Lula, Intuition Intelligence with Ricci-Jane Admas, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Timeline Therapy, Liberation Coach, and most recently a Masters in Conscious Parenting with Yvonne Laborda, BreathWave Certification and Post-Grad studies in Spiritual Direction.

This process of liberation and study has allowed her to develop a methodology by which she guides others through her company, Sabios Parenting. Currently, she is building a family healing retreat centre in Pescadero, Mexico alongside her husband and children called Casa Damara. Casa Damara is a movement in conscious family living.

Leslie’s goal is to guide overwhelmed humans, coaches & and parents to tap into their inner power and intuition and create compassionate inner-connection, while acknowledging their God nature. Ultimately, looking to have her clients navigate life understanding their subconscious programming, triggers, patterns, and limiting beliefs to release all that does not serve them and better connect with their loved ones through presence.

Connect with Leslie:

Juan F. Diaz Rivera

Juan Diaz Rivera comes from a family of leaders and innovators.

From an early age, he became acquainted with real estate development and marketing, which led him to become a founding partner of Capella Pedregal (now the Waldorf Cabo San Lucas at Pedregal) – one of the highest-ranked luxury retreats in Mexico. For over a decade, his leadership and market knowledge served as a COO and eventually CEO of Grupo Pedregal: a real estate concern that owns and markets Pedregal de La Paz and Pedregal de Cabo San Lucas, the first luxury residential community in Los Cabos and Coldwell Banker Riveras, which was awarded the #1 Coldwell Banker office in Mexico for 14 consecutive years.

Through his company Artifex.Team he has conceptualized and developed projects such as 1 Homes Preview in Cabo and through his partnership in he has and continues to manage the rental and property management of communities such as Palmilla Dunes, Puerta Cortes and The Mountain Club.

Juan’s partnership with Leslie in Sabios Parenting has led to his certification in Soul Care Coaching, Breathwave and a Masters in Conscious Parenting with Yvonne Laborda which align with his love for Yoga’s physical and spiritual practice.

Juan is now bringing his Real Estate development and resort management track record, his formation in conscious parenting and his personal growth experience into co-creating a conscious family living community with his wife Leslie in Pescadero, Baja California Sur Mexico where families can come to live a more connected life.

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