This meditation is designed to take you to meet your dominant Claire, but we’re going to use it a little bit differently today.
We’re going to use this as an opportunity to get to meet guidance that is available in the infinite to you right now.
Some of this will feel very familiar (if you’ve done any of my meditations before). We’re going to expand outwards into the full expression of our true energy field, our true soul nature.
We’re then going to commune with the infinite and just let whatever is there for us arrive.

Dr Ricci-Jane Adams is the principal of the Institute for Intuitive Intelligence, a world-class, global professional intuition training school. She trains exceptional spiritual women as new paradigm priestesses, socially conscious leaders and profound mystics. Ricci-Jane is the author of bestselling Spiritually Fierce, as well as Intuitive Intelligence Training and the forthcoming Superconscious Intuition. Ricci-Jane has a doctorate from the University of Melbourne in magical realism. She has spent over twenty-five years devoted to her spiritual awakening and is a qualified Transpersonal Counsellor. Subscribe to the Mailing List