Superconscious Intuition Program Out Now  FIND OUT MORE


Today we look at our highest form of intuition – non-local intuition.

As you may be aware, there are two main forms of intuition, local and non-local intuition. The latter form is the one that allows us to remain in communion with that unseen part of the cosmos. Tune in to this Facebook live to learn more. I also share part of the Third Level training – Intuitive Intelligence Tapping – and how using it increases our intuition.

Lastly, I wanted to let you all know, that interviews are now open for the Third Level program designed for women on the path of service to increase and optimise their power to serve. Please note that we do have scholarships available for those facing financial uncertainty at this time.

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Learn the practice that invites you to encode a new reality.

This free consciousness encoding meditation can guide you in understanding the law of correspondence and learning how to cultivate the vibrational frequency that is a match for all that we desire.