Deepak Chopra states that we are nonlocal entities having a local experience. And what exactly does this mean?
It is useful to explore this briefly so that we may better understand what is meant by non-local intuition. In quantum physics there is an evidence-based understanding that isolated particles are able to communicate non-locally, or beyond space and time.
Beyond the level of the sub-atomic particle this holds true.
In other words, we can experience this in our inter-personal relationships.
In a study conducted between Marilyn Schlitz and Deepak Chopra, it was evidenced under scientific experiment measures, that when trained healers directed energy towards people that the benefits to the receivers was measurable and more effective than medicinal intervention.
Schlitz sites this in regards to the greater efficacy of healing provided at a distance, non-locally, compared to taking aspirin to reduce the rate of second heart attacks in the subjects of the study.
Our perception leads us to believe in space and time, yet all is occurring in oneness, or as Deepak says, ‘one gigantic nonlocal activity’. Deepak goes on to state that, ‘Even though you think you see yourself in a mirror, you are actually seeing one state of your physical body. That one state, accessible through the five senses, isn’t the whole. The whole also includes the quantum state of the particles that make up your body.
The same holds true for the entire cosmos and reality itself. Science has gotten to the point where both states are understood in detail, yet there is as yet an unbridged division between them. It would be a huge advance to unite the local and the nonlocal, the causal and the acausal’[1].
Do you geek out on the science of intuition like me?
It is so powerful to know the mechanics of our intuition so that we can take it seriously and not assign it to the spiritual ghetto!

Dr Ricci-Jane Adams is the principal of the Institute for Intuitive Intelligence, a world-class, global professional intuition training school. She trains exceptional spiritual women as new paradigm priestesses, socially conscious leaders and profound mystics. Ricci-Jane is the author of bestselling Spiritually Fierce, as well as Intuitive Intelligence Training and the forthcoming Superconscious Intuition. Ricci-Jane has a doctorate from the University of Melbourne in magical realism. She has spent over twenty-five years devoted to her spiritual awakening and is a qualified Transpersonal Counsellor. Subscribe to the Mailing List