Understanding spiritual sight and a guided journey to be initiated into your mystical sight at a deeper level!
To experience an inner state of grace and downtime, we need to create space in our lives for holiness. Intuition to me in its riches, fullest form, is beyond intuition, intuition is a temporary phase of our awaking. Intuition is a spiritual mystical sight. The ultimate aim of our life to live in mystical sight. Intuition is your super power, is a state of being, a way to live. We live in the practices of the mystics. Through my training I can’t teach you intuition, I support you to be free of the blocks to your truth.
Watch to this mini masterclass to learn more…

Dr Ricci-Jane Adams is the principal of the Institute for Intuitive Intelligence, a world-class, global professional intuition training school. She trains exceptional spiritual women as new paradigm priestesses, socially conscious leaders and profound mystics. Ricci-Jane is the author of bestselling Spiritually Fierce, as well as Intuitive Intelligence Training and the forthcoming Superconscious Intuition. Ricci-Jane has a doctorate from the University of Melbourne in magical realism. She has spent over twenty-five years devoted to her spiritual awakening and is a qualified Transpersonal Counsellor. Subscribe to the Mailing List