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What lessons have I learnt through Intention & Intuition? 

My life journey – who am I really? 

Gita Gopalan

As I write this stepping into my seventh decade, I remember a naïve, yet a focused teenager. Let’s take a ride back in time to 1975, when a young teenager from Malaysia dreamt big. Living in a small town, convent educated, I instinctively knew that my life was meant to take a different path from that of my mother’s generation. Two years on, late January 1977 I boarded a Qantas flight to Melbourne, Australia to complete high school and then University with the full financial and emotional support of my parents. 

Landing in Melbourne, where I had no family and friends was somewhat daunting. What was I thinking? Was it teenage bravado or just naivety? Was I on the road to becoming “Spiritually Fierce” (Ricci Jane Adams, PhD), leaving a familiar life and walking into a new unknown path? I felt no fear at that point in time. I now fully understand that my inner resilience and power of my intentions overrode any fears. 

What has this journey taught me? A young, driven, tenacious teenager with big dreams who refused to listen to the naysayers – Oh, she will never make it! Let’s see if she will survive in a foreign land. 

I thrived, I survived. I learnt that I and Only I am responsible for my choices. These choices made in the purest of Intentions opened doors, allowing me to walk through them facing many road bumps, but also taught me to accept wins graciously. 

What lessons would I like to share with my sixteen-year-old self now, while I am standing on the threshold of my seventh decade? 

What do I now know? 

I now know that my belief system was to create the life I wanted. 

I now know that I had embraced the unknown and let it guide me intuitively. 

I now know that I listened to my inner knowing and co-created my reality in tangent with the Universe. 

I now know that when I released my Intentions to the Universe, like seeds, it grew and flourished and my thoughts became reality. 

I now know that I AM Intuition. 

I now know that when Intention and Intuition merge, I nurtured a life that returned priceless joy, love, happiness and success back to me, together with equal measures of sadness, heartache and failures. 

Have I failed along the way? Monumentally, in more ways than one! But each failure was a lesson (sometimes painful) to listen to my inner voice and never waver from pure intention. 

I now know that I AM THE ANSWER that I am seeking, and it’s my God-given birthright. 

I now know that I am Infinite Unlimited Consciousness and that all answers are within me. 

I now know that to SURRENDER the outcome to the DIVINE WILL, I need to trust that the outcome is what will serve me at that time even when I cannot foresee the situation. 

I now know that “our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. Your playing small does not serve the world”. (Marianne Williamson

I now know that I have the potential to empower my mind, body and soul to create what is innately my true potential. 

I now know I chose my siblings and parents who supported the crazy notion of their only daughter creating a new life in Australia and then emigrating in the eighties. 

I now know they were intuitively guided to accept that this was my journey to take, supporting me wholeheartedly. Thank you for your insight and wisdom in letting go. 

Finally, my dear 16-year-old self, as I enter my seventh decade, “when you see me passing, it ought to make you proud.” (Maya Angelou) 



An Executive Search Researcher of 30 years, Gita builds talent pipelines for executive search firms and corporations, with a view to recruiting Boards/CEO’s/Senior General Managers. 

Guided by her spiritual leanings she committed to honing her knowledge. To her being spiritual is about having an open heart, seeing and allowing in new possibilities and adventures 

In her downtime, Gita (late in life) discovered Adult Colouring. It gets her into a “zen-like meditative state” and fuels her creative juices like no other. Secret skills that many do not know that she has – she was an avid crocheter and embroider (thanks Mum) as a young child through to her twenties, but ages since she has done anything wearable. She then moved on to creating tapestries! Gita now calls Australia home 

mobile phone with headphones

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