There are some big things that have been going through my head. You know whenever big things go through my head, or my heart, my great joy is to share them with you. It’s part of the responsibility I feel to make sure that everything is congruent between what I offer and who I am and what my belief is.
Caroline Myss tells us that faith is active and what that means to me is that we represent ourselves. Everything that we stand for is representative of our faith and so we don’t let things that are not congruent with our faith slip under the radar.
I’ve had a big up leveling in the last few weeks attending this science and spirituality conference in Canada. That was a big conscious choice to invest in my own spiritual development and professional development, and to spend time with the leaders in my industry. I feel enlivened and invigorated.
It’s very important to me that everything that I do is about service.
I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but we live in an extraordinary age. Our capacity to apply our spirituality is where spirituality becomes real. It is not enough for us to simply show up to our spiritual practices as a way to try and attain more at the level of the dream.
That term ‘into the dream’ is the idea that 3D reality is simply an illusion. It’s an illusion that’s a training ground for our consciousness. It’s a dream and currently we inhabit a nightmare for the majority of the planet. The first immutable law tells us that there is only one of us here. That all is of the one mind. It’s impossible for us to want to attain for ourselves what we do not want for all, and so the most powerful way for us to change the world (in my version of spiritual activism) is to choose to hold a vibration that is love based, not fear based.
As long as I’m not in fear, everything else is cool. But that choice to meet my own fear is how I most powerfully serve, and how I accelerate the awakening for everybody else.
The Future of Intuition
I want to talk about the future of intuition. I want to talk about this idea that is the heart and soul of everything that the Institute stands for, the very reason the Institute was created.
The future of intuition is Intuitive Intelligence. I want to break that down and share with you what that means to me.
We are in a time now where what we have believed to be true about intuition is being rapidly eclipsed by the science of our age. To understand that, the science of intuition tells us exactly what the future of intuition is, what the true nature of intuition is, and how we should be showing up to that.
I feel like I should be standing up because I feel like I’m building up to – I guess a bit of a a bit of a challenge or a bit of an opportunity for all of us who claim to be on this path of service, and who use our intuitive skills on that path of service. Which is most spiritual people because it’s very hard for a spiritual person because your intuition is the language of the spiritual seeker. I’m really not sure how you do spirituality without a robust intuition, but there are a lot of people who do.
That’s part of what I want to speak to – this idea of intuition has been ghetto-ised by the idea that it is an innate or a special skill. A special gift that a few people have innately and that the rest of us have missed out on. That it is simply up to those people who have been gifted with their special sight, the special capacity to out those of us who have not been gifted by God or by some higher power with this special power.
The truth is that intuition is your innate sixth sense, and it requires commitment and discipline to work, and muscle to develop it.
That might be by training your mediumship skills, by training your clairvoyance, by learning how to read the Tarot, by working with pendulums, by plant medicine – by all the different trinkets and superstitions that are available to us to develop our sixth sense.
Therefore, we developed this idea that our sixth sense is innate and yes it can be developed, but it’s always in reference to something external to us. Whether that something external is a crystal or a pendulum or a pack of cards, or whether it’s the idea that there is a higher power such as an angel or a guide or something outside of us that has the intuition, our job is to go and get that intuition that is still a trinket and superstition.
In my opinion that is still a separatist kind of view of the world where we are creating a sense of dualism between what we truly are and ourselves, so I want to overcome that belief in separation.
That’s the very purpose of my work and that’s why my discussions around intuition have moved beyond even using that word.
What happens when we evoke the word intuition?
I’ve seen this happen with spiritual people I haven’t trained, that are not part of the Institute, and I’m always kind of amazed. I spend so much time in a paradigm where intuition is intuitive intelligence. The living, breathing system of applied communion, daily partnership, moment-by-moment, breath-by-breath connectedness to that infinite God-voice that resides paradoxically inside of us and all around us.
Versus sitting down with someone who’s like “Oh yes, when I choose a tarot card I can get the answer to my question” or “When I pick up the pendulum or when I tune in to my guide.” When they speak like this, they speak in pluralism. “They told me to go and do that thing,” or “I asked for a sign from God or from the infinite, and then I saw a rainbow so I knew I could go and do that thing.”
That doesn’t fly with me!
You who know me will understand this very well. But it’s my job to continue to lead others into this truth, which is that that is a dualism which is perpetuating our suffering.
It doesn’t matter if you’ve now moved to the belief that your intuition is a nation that can be developed. If you are speaking in that plural language that “they” or “that thing outside of me” has some special magic power that I use my intuition to go and get, to access that information that exists outside of me, we’re still involved in the illusion.
My vision and my great hope is that our work as part of the Institute, and those who are the leaders in the Institute – my graduate priestesses, my Third Level priestesses, who go forward in the name of the Institute and understand the true nature of intuition – our job is to evolve that conversation forward, to the point where we understand that intuition exists in silence.
Intuition exists in the question-less state.
Intuition is not the idea that I can pay someone to read my future for me and therefore I will know the answers to my life. Or that I can go and see someone who can heal me because they somehow have a special magic that I can’t possess. Or that there is an Oracle card that I could pick up that’s gonna tell me something that is outside of myself.
This may seem subtle but I hope it isn’t. I hope it’s blindingly obvious that the problem is that all of those paradigms separate you from your power.
The future of intuition is this – that I shall know myself as God, or I shall know myself as that infinite, unlimited, consciousness which some people call the field or the matrix, which contains within it all.
I am NOT separate from the all – I am that. I am one with that, and therefore there is never a paradigm in which I would say they told me to do this, or they showed me a rainbow, and I knew that was the path I was supposed to walk. But instead, that I am that. That in every breath, I am wedded to my intuition so that every step is guided.
If I step and it feels in congruent, I step back because I recognise that it is my intuition, my soul language speaking to me in every moment. So there’s never a question to be asked, there’s never a card to be drawn, there’s never a pendulum to be swung, there’s never a crystal that could do for me what I can and will powerfully do for myself.
Therefore it is our job, as those who go forward in the name of intuition, that we be the future of intuition. Which is that I will support others to know that they are God.
I am simply that. I am the cause for the end of suffering, not the perpetuation of the cycle of separation of the individual from the whole. When we are aligned with that purpose, then we may confidently use intuition in the description of what we do. I want to say if you’re using intuition in a different way, I feel like you’re actually contributing more fear.
I believe that most people who go forward in the name of intuition, those who work intuitively, want to do better. They want to serve in the highest possible way. They want to elevate their clients to the level of the miracle. But it’s going to require us putting down the trinkets and superstitions of the New Age fearlessly. It’s going to require us to know that if we want to work with the trinkets and superstitions, we do that as a secondary thing, not as our primary way of supporting our clients.
Making The Shift
That is going to be a shift that for some people will feel terrifying, because you have been raised in a system that has taught you that the power is in your modality, or that the power is in that tonic, or the power is in the flowers, and so the power is in the crystal. And that your job is to figure out which crystal to give to the client at which time and that will be the solution to their suffering. But all of that is backwards.
We say in the Third Level that the client can only receive the miracle – all of us can only receive the miracle – at the level that we’re ready to receive it.
There may be a bridging period in this time where we truly understand what intuition is, where we need to meet our client with a trinket and a superstition, and to give them the medicine that they are willing to receive. But it is never the medicine. It is only the thing that distracts the ego, to allow the work to be done at the level that it truly is being done, which is at the level of vibration.
So if you go to see someone who claims to work with their intuition, and they put more fear into your field than love, and they lower your vibration by telling you things about your future – about dead relatives, about thought-forms, about psychic attack, about terrible things that might be happening to you as a result of you not being aware, because you don’t have the power and they do – then you are needing to reassess the way you work.
This is very, very different to the paradigm of guiding or scaffolding someone whilst they meet the subconscious fear programs that are running their lives and ruining their lives most of the time. To be guided, to meet fear that is sitting inside of your subtle anatomy, and oftentimes your physical anatomy, is the beginning of your freedom to meet yourself as God. Because the blocks to knowing yourself as God sit in your subconscious and prevent you from knowing the truth of what you are. Which is glorious – intimately connected with the infinite field, the one mind, and able to access the information you need in any given moment for yourself.
In fact, that information is constantly downloading. It’s not like you have to say, “Now please download the next best steps in my life.” It’s constantly downloading. But what what prevents us from knowing that, are these fear blocks that sit in our subconscious that are inherited, that are familial, that are tribal, that are genetic, that are physiological, that are neurological, that are chemical, that have been inherited and played out so many times that we think that they are our identity and our personal reality. But they are not – they have borrowed limits that keep us inside a parameter, a prison, that is simply telling us a false reality.
People who use intuition to keep others in that prison are simply not understanding the responsibility that they have. If you go forward in the name of intuition, this is your invitation this day to put down the fear. To investigate why am I contributing more fear than I am contributing love to the world. And to really ask yourself, what of the practices and tools that I use are bringing more love, and what are bringing more fear? What are allowing people to think that there is something outside of them that has the answer to their problems? And what is it that’s actually going to call that person to take full responsibility for their power and their purpose and not to believe for one second that another person, or another tool, or another crystal, or another tonic could possibly be more powerful than them fully recognizing, realizing, and inhabiting the truth that they are God.
This is the future of intuition and this is what I stand for.
So this September in Tuscany I’m holding the first-ever Intuitive Intelligence Symposium. And leading up to that, I’m going to be sharing a lot of information about what Intuitive Intelligence is because in the way that I teach it, Intuitive Intelligence is the next step on from that very broken idea of intuition.
If you want to have a different conversation, you’ve got to lead that conversation. That is the job I am giving myself and I would love for all of you who feel as I do – that we who go out in the name of intuition have a responsibility to wed people to their own personal power, which is their power to know themselves as God – that you join me and you join this conversation.
The Intuitive Intelligence Symposium will be called, and is called the Future of Intuition. Everyone who will be presenting as part of that will be offering their understanding of what it means to go forward in the name of love, and to stop perpetuating the old paradigm of an intuition that is built around fear, that is built around psychic trinkets and tools, that is built around tuning in to such a low vibrational frequency that all we do is perpetuate the misery and suffering of others.
Every possibility exists in the quantum field. So yes, if you want to tune into an astral plane of suffering, and thought-forms, and lost souls, then by all means do it. But that is not the paradigm where intuition resides, and it’s not the paradigm where I live.
What I want is to create a revolution of love.
We do that by stepping into our spiritual leadership, by putting down those things that might feel like nice indulgences, but are actually just giving us an excuse not to show up in the full capacity that we are here to show up as, which is God, and which is to change the conversation. Change the paradigm for all those around us.
The two words that I will never be using again – and I’m training myself not to use these because this is part of my commitment – is reading.
You will never hear me about me reading you or someone reading you because that, by its very nature, suggests a powerlessness and a passivity, where you are waiting for someone else to give you the answers. That is a paradigm I want to step out of and the responsibilities of language is that I have to train myself to change the way that I speak about the work that I do.
Because reading, in and of itself is just a word. It doesn’t mean anything. But the way we’ve used it in our culture, the way we’ve used it inside our spiritual community, is that someone out there knows more about me than I do. That is not something I want to be part of.
And the other word is healing.
That word is not a problem if you’re using it for yourself to recognise the truth that you were never broken. That nothing has ever occurred to you that is bigger than your capacity to know yourself as God. And that your willingness to see yourself as you truly are, to change your mind about yourself, is the only healing that you will ever need. But no one else can do that for you.
You may find someone who can scaffold you while you do that for yourself, but it is never possible that someone outside of you has an antidote, has the thing, has the cure, has the medicine, has the product, has the service, that is going to heal that faulty belief. The belief is that I am separate from God – that’s what causes the disease. And when we are willing to see that truth and accept the atonement, we are willing to move back to our true reality.
That is the Future of Intuition.
I feel really strongly, as you may notice, about this. That this is the time for us to not accept the things that are less than what we want. I have been complicit in accepting things that are less than what I want and I don’t want the trinkets and superstitions to come first. By all means, if they’re fun for you, and they’re joyful for you, and those are the things you want to do secondary, please do. But please don’t invite me into those trinkets and superstitions, telling me that that’s where the power is. Because that reality is simply perpetuating the misery and suffering.
There’s no two ways about this. There is no pretty way to wrap this up. We are either here as a force for love or we are contributing to the fear that is enveloping the world, and has enveloped the world for millennia.
I don’t want to be part of the first story. I want to be the future, and the future of intuition is that we are able to know ourselves as God.
RJ xo

Dr Ricci-Jane Adams is the principal of the Institute for Intuitive Intelligence, a world-class, global professional intuition training school. She trains exceptional spiritual women as new paradigm priestesses, socially conscious leaders and profound mystics. Ricci-Jane is the author of bestselling Spiritually Fierce, as well as Intuitive Intelligence Training and the forthcoming Superconscious Intuition. Ricci-Jane has a doctorate from the University of Melbourne in magical realism. She has spent over twenty-five years devoted to her spiritual awakening and is a qualified Transpersonal Counsellor. Subscribe to the Mailing List