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In this solo episode, I share some of my journey from 30 to the creation of the Institute at age 36. There’s a lot in this! The first half of my thirties was a rich, busy, terrifying, joyful, traumatic and wonderful time of my life. The seeds of everything the Institute became were there, if only in hindsight. I hope you enjoy this very personal story that leads up to the moment the Institute was realised. On the eve of the Institute’s 10th birthday, I am so grateful to share these events.

In this episode, I share:

  • the life-saving power of conceiving my first son, completely unplanned
  • my move from Melbourne to Queensland and back again
  • processing the grief of letting go of the life I had planned
  • getting everything I wanted only to be angry and anxious, and
  • the phone call that brought the Institute into reality.


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