“A vow elevates a spiritual practice to one of spiritual development. It is incomprehensible for most people today to take a vow before God that says, ‘I shall be devoted to my spiritual practice without distraction because I recognize that I have this life for a brief time in order to be of service to the divine and gain personal illumination with God’ Taking such a vow is out of step with our spiritual culture. We are very relaxed about matters of the sacred”. Caroline Myss
When I was completing the writing of Spiritually Fierce last year I wanted to add something to the book that could capture the spirit of what the book says. I wanted to offer a prayer, a phrase, an action that could be taken away by the reader as a reminder of everything that they had just read. It is all too easy to acquire knowledge. Taking action is what turns that knowledge into lived experience, which thus turns it into wisdom.
I read Caroline Myss’ words quoted above and I recognised in my soul a yearning to go beyond a casual relationship with God. These two forces combined and I found the words for the Spiritually Fierce vow pouring onto the page, my personal commitment to privilege the only true purpose of my life above else.
We do not remember what we are here to do most often. But we can. We simply need to take a moment every single day to remind ourselves. The words of the Spiritually Fierce vow have come from walking my spiritual path for over twenty years. These are the direct instructions to myself on how to place my devotion at the front and centre of my life.
All paths lead to spiritual awakening. All of them. But we have a choice about how quickly and joyfully we come home to our truth.
When we make a commitment, when we take a vow for example, we are accelerating our life’s purpose. Yes, things will have to change, and most often the superficial trinkets of the new age will be the first to go. So will the half truths and untruths of your life – the not quite good enough relationships, the job we cannot stand, the aspirations that belong not to us to be someone else’s idea of success.
In other words, anywhere you are hiding from your true nature and pretending will be altered by this commitment. That is why so many people keep God and spiritual seeking on a casual basis – a hopeless attempt to be aligned and not aligned?
Do you see how impossible that is?
To be on the path is to become congruent with the self. Nothing that is not aligned will fall away.
This path is the path of surrender to something greater than the self. And believe me, dear one, it is worth every change that is inevitably coming as you line up to meet your own glorious nature.
So please, do not repeat this vow casually. If you cannot say the words without the willingness to truly let God lead your life then you are not ready. That’s ok. The day will come. The soul is longing to meet itself and there is not greater desire in the Universe than this.
But if you feel you are ready, then now is the time. It’s time to get serious with God! And believe me, nothing is more glorious than that!
The Spiritually Fierce Vow
I vow this day to meet my fear.
I vow to remember that I am unlimited, even when I feel separate and finite.
I commit to live with power and humility, strength and vulnerability, grace and grit, and to know that these qualities are the qualities of the Infinite, of which I am a divine piece.
I vow to live beyond the trinkets and superstitions of the new age.
I vow to remember that spiritually fierce is a not just a phrase.
Spiritually fierce is a movement of awakening consciousness of which I am vital part.
I give my life to the Infinite within me, above all else. I surrender all that is not of this truth.
I vow to live with the inner discipline, the soul fire that inspires me to choose love first.
Every, single time.

Dr Ricci-Jane Adams is the principal of the Institute for Intuitive Intelligence, a world-class, global professional intuition training school. She trains exceptional spiritual women as new paradigm priestesses, socially conscious leaders and profound mystics. Ricci-Jane is the author of bestselling Spiritually Fierce, as well as Intuitive Intelligence Training and the forthcoming Superconscious Intuition. Ricci-Jane has a doctorate from the University of Melbourne in magical realism. She has spent over twenty-five years devoted to her spiritual awakening and is a qualified Transpersonal Counsellor. Subscribe to the Mailing List